English TAgalog Bahasa Indonesia viSAYA Dictionary
This application has just finished. It contains 4 languages; English, Tagalog, Bahasa Indonesia and Visaya. As Visaya is the local language in south Philippines, we included it in the application.

This application has different features with the previous SeaDictionary. In Etabisaya, there are 4 input languages. So if the user has word in English, he/ she can choose the British flag in input menu, and if he/ she has the word in Indonesia, he/ she can choose the Indonesian flag in the menu, and also for the Tagalog and Visaya.

The unique name "ETABISAYA" is an acronym of the 4 languages inside: English, TAgalog, Bahasa Indonesia and viSAYA. This mobile dictionary contains more than 8.000 words in it. We hope this application can help people to communicate each other.
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